十大正规博彩网站评级的商业伙伴对公司的成功起着关键作用. 这种关系是建立在相互尊重的基础上的, 但与此同时,对我们来说,重要的是管理可能通过我们的合作伙伴产生的风险.
没有我们的商业伙伴,我们不可能实现我们所有的成就并继续我们的成功. At the same time we recognise that business partners may pose a legal and reputational risk if not managed correctly. 因此,我们根据风险将我们的商业伙伴分为四类, 每个类别均须遵守特定的贪污风险管理程序. If a business partner falls into more than one category then it is managed in accordance with the corruption risk management process for the highest risk category.
类别1 是由保留在市场上的商业伙伴组成的吗, 推广或销售十大正规博彩网站评级的产品和服务,或提供战略建议. 这包括市场顾问, 代理, 说客, 战略顾问, 经销商和分销商. The appointment and management of these business partners follows a centralised and mandatory process which serves to (i) assess the business partner’s credentials and suitability for the assignment through due diligence and background controls, (ii) bind the business partner to Saab’s anti-bribery and compliance expectations through appropriate contractual commitments, (三)对业务合作伙伴的业绩和行为进行跟踪和控制.
第二类 包括主承包商、胶印机供应商和合作伙伴. 业务合作伙伴 in this category are subject to a pre-defined process with detailed requirements concerning due diligence, 腐败风险评估, 反贿赂和反腐败承诺和持续监测. 该过程由我们的核心法规遵循专家开发的特定工具提供支持.
3级 是由合资企业组成的吗. 合营伙伴的评估和合营企业的治理和管理遵循我们的M&一个过程. We are mindful that joint ventures are not used to circumvent the strict anti-bribery and corruption standards applied elsewhere in our operations.
第4类包括不属于第1、2或3类的所有业务伙伴. 第4类业务伙伴作为日常业务的一部分进行风险评估.
A common objective for the corruption risk management of all business partner categories is the identification and proper management of red flags. Training and tools are made available to help employees identify red flags and understand when to look out for them.
业务的中介机构 are all business partners that are engaged in the marketing and sale of Saab’s products and services or to assist in the strategic development or political context of Saab’s business. 例子包括市场顾问、游说者、补偿顾问和经销商. 商业中介机构被认为代表了最高级别的第三方风险. They are therefore classified as category 1 and subject to a centralized onboarding process under the supervision of the group function Ethics and Compliance.
Anyone who wants to appoint a business intermediary must prepare a business justification and an initial 腐败风险评估, 并由请求机构的负责人签署文件, 然后将此事移交给道德与合规部门.
在接受商业理由后, 道德与合规将启动并执行基于风险的尽职调查. This will include: collecting information from the business intermediary through a due diligence questionnaire; screening of the business intermediary against relevant data bases; conducting face-to-face interviews and ABC training; and, 在需要的地方, 指导专业尽职调查提供者. 尽职调查的有效期为2-4年,具体取决于风险水平. During the term of the agreement the business intermediary is continuously screened against relevant databases.
与业务中介机构签订的所有合同都基于由中央遵从性专家开发的模板. They have a limited term (normally two years) and include mandatory provisions regarding anti-bribery and corruption, 报告和审计权限. 报酬应当以客观标准为依据,与工作范围合理、相称. 如薪酬包括佣金,则须设上限.
Engagements relating to business opportunities of high values are subject to the approval of the Ethics and Compliance Board. Remuneration in these cases are based on a calculation model developed together with an international law firm. The Ethics and Compliance Board also receives regular statistics and trends relating to business intermediaries.
Saab’s Internal audit function will every year audit a selection of business intermediaries in order to verify compliance with the corruption risk management process and to achieve reasonable assurance as to the integrity of the services. 审计结果将向道德与合规委员会报告, 谁将决定任何纠正或预防措施.
主承包商, teaming partners and offset 供应商s are considered to carry a heightened level of third party risk as they are engaged in winning business or likely to be interacting with the end customer. 因此,它们被列为第2类,必须接受强制性的腐败风险管理程序.
该程序规定收集尽职调查问卷, the verification of the questionnaire against external databases and the performance of a 腐败风险评估. 除了常规业务合作伙伴数据之外, 比如所有权, 管理和遵从性成熟度, 风险评估涉及识别和选择等领域, 资格, 使用第三方, 跟踪记录和国家风险. There are guidelines to assess the importance of identified red flags and to recommend mitigating activities where possible.
通过这一流程的商业伙伴将接受反贿赂筛选和监控要求. 该协议应包括基于中央合规专家批准的模板的abc条款.
Group Industrial Co-operation is the central function assigned with the responsibility to co-ordinate and monitor all Saab’s offset activities.
Suppliers of goods are either classified as category 2 or category 4 depending on the perceived corruption risk associated with the relationship. 第2类所指的供应商须遵守强制性的腐败风险管理程序.
该程序规定收集尽职调查问卷, the verification of the questionnaire against external databases and the performance of a 腐败风险评估. 除了常规业务合作伙伴数据之外, 比如所有权, 管理和遵从性成熟度, 风险评估涉及识别和选择等领域, 资格, 使用第三方, 跟踪记录和国家风险. There are guidelines to assess the importance of identified red flags and to recommend mitigating activities where possible.
通过这一流程的商业伙伴将接受反贿赂筛选和监控要求. 该协议应包括基于中央合规专家批准的模板的abc条款.
所有供应商,无论类别,都被要求签署十大正规博彩网站评级的供应商行为准则. 《十大正规博彩网站评级》包括有关反腐败的要求, 商务礼品和招待以及其他可持续发展领域的利益冲突. 十大正规博彩网站评级希望该供应商能将类似的需求传递给其供应链.
Group Procurement is the central function assigned with the responsibility to co-ordinate and manage Saab’s sourcing activities. 这是按照十大正规博彩网站评级全球管理系统集成的采购流程完成的, 包括评估, 评估, 指定及监察供应商. 每年对供应商的审计按优先顺序进行计划, 这取决于十大正规博彩网站评级对供应商的评级及其表现.
合并 & 收购
合并 & 收购(M&A) transactions typically involve interaction with parties that are unknown or with no previous business dealings with Saab and, 在哪里获得业务, 可能会导致十大正规博彩网站评级承担历史事件的责任. 因此,必须认真、及时地评估和管理巴西的腐败和声誉风险&一个交易.
M组&A是负责协调和管理十大正规博彩网站评级M的核心职能部门&一个活动. 这是按照十大正规博彩网站评级全球管理系统整合的流程完成的, 其中包括关于尽职调查的详细要求, 风险缓解活动和实施程序. 腐败和商业道德风险是其中特别关注的风险.
合资企业被认为具有较高的第三方风险. 因此,它们被列为第3类,必须接受强制性的腐败风险管理程序.
The incorporation of a joint venture is preceded by a thorough due diligence investigation to verify the integrity of the joint venture (including its partners and the business model). 这项调查是与中央合规专家合作进行的.
Joint ventures under Saab’s control shall apply Saab’s rules and procedures for corruption prevention or of a similar nature. Joint ventures that are not under Saab’s control shall sign up to Saab’s Supplier 行为准则 or commit to follow an equivalent of its core principles. Joint venture agreements shall include effective remedies in case of non-compliance with Saab’s requirements such as a contractual right to terminate the agreement in case the non-compliance is of a material nature.